Interview with photographer

Photographer Jinni J exploring the femininity and humans in general

Published on 26 May 2017

Tell us briefly about yourself and how did you first get into photography?

Hi! I’m Jinni J., I love people and have a very distinct laugh, so I am told ; ) I found a canon AE-1 program in my mother’s lingerie drawer and took it and started asking my friends to indulge me by getting in front of my lens. 

Where do you live and how does it influence your work? 

I’ve been living in Austin, TX for the past seven years. The creative community here is very supportive and collaborative. There are a lot of talented and humble artists here that push each other to make better work. Austin has a ton of charm but at times it is frustrating that it’s lacking a lot of industry and opportunity. 

What are your main inspirations?

Flora, Friendship, and Females —— Forever. 

Is femininity one of the main themes you explore in your photography?

Yes and no, it’s not something I intentionally set out to do, it just kind of naturally occurs because I identify as a female, but it's also my own version of femininity, definitely not all-encompassing. Women are just fascinating to me and I hope the viewer sees the women in the photographs as interesting and complicated individuals, with depth instead of just a pretty face. 

How would you describe your aesthetic? And who are the people in your photographs?

I think I'm at a place where I'm brewing a lot on what I really want to be making, but right now I’ll describe it as a colorful peak into the female gaze with a kiss of sensuality. For the most part the people in my photographs are my friends or people that soon become my friends <3

What camera do you prefer to use and why?

Honestly it depends on what my subject matter is and the vibe I'm going for. Most of my client work is done on my DSLR, Canon 6d. Otherwise, I prefer to shoot on film. My go-to is the classic Canon AE-1 Program (also has a ton of sentimental value to me) and my twin lens Ricoh that my grandfather gifted to me; it makes spectacular images. To me nothing can match the magic of film, it forces the photographer to be more present and truly feel and anticipate the emotion and action of the muse. 

Which photographers have been the most influential to you?

I am a very moody person, my taste is also very eclectic, I hop around different artists work and observe what their strengths are and try to learn from them. Some photographers work that I constantly revisit are Tim Walker, Annie Leibovitz, Paolo Roversi, Helmut Newton. Photographers I’ve found through Instagram that I admire are Charlotte Wales, Carlijn Jacobs, Amanda Charchian, and Carlota Guerrero. 

Who should we be following online?

Show love to some Austin-based creatives and businesses :: 
@_mwb//   @xavierschipani    //  @peachfuzzmag   //  @vadajewelry   //  @taydevochka   //   @badmary_   //   @cecilia.alejandra   //  @nudenora   //  @eyesofjune    //  @hikesmusic   //   @thebishopsmusic   //  @jonnnynegron   //  @imakegirls//   @marykateandsmashley// 

Are there any trends or movements you're tapping into?

It is impossible not to tap into movements happening be them aesthetic or political, especially if you’re an avid user of the internet, you see trends circulate so quickly, coming and going— but with all this connection it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish what you are and aren’t being influenced by. I really try not to get caught up in all of the swirling trends and instead try and take time to listen to my gut and listen to dialogues taking place in my circle of friends. Since the election I have been inspired to take my voice and vision more seriously and empowering myself to dive into subjects and work that scares me. Generally, just trying to stay in youth mode, forever. 

Who would you most like to collaborate with from within the visual arts and fashion spheres? 

Fashion lines and Creatives I’d love to work with one day: Palomo Spain, Heridadegato, Omndi, Molly Goddard, Samantha Pleat, Rosie Assoulin, Marques Almeida, Florence Tétier, Kate Mur, Isamaya Ffrench

What upcoming projects can we expect to see from you?

I will soon be releasing a black and white, nudity-based music video, keep your eyes peeled ; )

For more Jinni's works visit the website or instagram

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